Roma Lodge Members Website


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Welcome to the Roma Lodge Members Website

Roma Lodge Merit Scholarship

Roma Lodge Merit Scholarship

Scholarship Amounts

One $4,000 Scholarship 
Three $500 Scholarships
Funded by Roma Lodge
Scholarships are awarded annually

Focus: Academic Achievement

Eligibility: Graduating high school senior who is the biological or adopted child of a Roma Lodge member and is enrolled as a full-time (12 or more credits) student in a baccalaureate program at a college or university in the U.S.


Graduating High School Senior
Accepted in a 4-year College or University Program
Demonstrates High Academic Achievement
Full-Time Student

*Note: For details - see separate scholarship information and application forms available on the web or from a member of the Roma Lodge Scholarship Committee.


February 14, 2025  (Membership Meeting) - Scholarship Applications will be available in paper, email, and website

March  28, 2025 - Deadline for all applications

April 30, 2025  - Recipients will be selected by this date

May 2025 - Scholarships will be awarded to recipients

Applications Are Available:

Roma Lodge Merit Scholarship Application Form

Frank Bisotti